How do I know if counseling is for me?
Going to counseling for the first time may be daunting. At Christian Counselors of Mooresville we strive to meet you where you are on your journey. Our purpose is not to force you into anything. Counseling is a collaborative effort, which means that we will work together on creating attainable goals and improve overall satisfaction of life. Counseling is not “magic”. If your expectation of counseling is that your counselor is going to tell you what to do, maybe counseling is not for you. But, if your expectation of counseling is that you will have a helper consult with you about ways to make life better, help identify unhelpful thinking habits, and help break old ways of thinking, then counseling may be for you! Here’s What to Expect on Your 1st Visit!
What kind of issues do you work with?
All of our counselors work with depression and mood disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma, and relationship issues. Laura Ketchie specializes in trauma and PTSD as well as self-image issues with women. Vincent Ketchie specializes in marriage counseling. If you are suicidal and are in need of immediate help, please visit our mental health crisis resource page.
What areas do you NOT work with?
We are not licensed in substance abuse counseling.
Do you counsel outside of the state of North Carolina?
No, we are not licensed to counsel outside of the state of North Carolina. However, legislation is in the works to allow teletherapy to be practiced in other states, but it has not been approved.
I’ve never been in counseling before. What is a first session like?
A first counseling session is somewhat like a first visit to a new doctor. You will have to fill out some forms that will give us information on your history, along with our counseling contract and information on how we keep your information private. (You can find our client forms at the “Client Forms” link on our website.) We suggest that you print out your forms prior to your first session, and fill them out before your appointment. Your therapist will review your information at the beginning of the session. The session will begin with how your therapist honors your confidentiality.
During your session, you will be asked about the issues concerning your starting counseling, and the goals you would like to accomplish in counseling. Your session will be fifty minutes long, unless otherwise specified. Our therapists give homework assignments. You may or may not receive an assignment on your first session, time permitting. More information is on our What to Expect on Your 1st Visit page.
What do your counselors believe?

All of our counselors abide by the American Association of Christian Counselors code of ethics (2005) . The AACC Statement of Faith is as follows:
- There exists only one God, creator and sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally co-existing in three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- The Scriptures, both Old and New testaments, are the inspired, inerrant and trustworthy Word of God, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of human beings, and the final authority for all matters about which it speaks.
- Human nature derives from two historical personas, male and female, created in God’s image. They were created perfect, but they sinned, plunging themselves and all human beings into sin, guilt, suffering, and death.
- The substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and his bodily resurrection provide the only ground for justification, forgiveness, and salvation for all who believe. Only those who trust in Him alone are born of the Holy Spirit and are true members of the Church; only they will spend eternity with Christ.
- The Holy Spirit is the agent of regeneration and renewal for believers in Jesus Christ. He makes the presence of Jesus Christ real in believers, and He comforts, guides, convicts, and enables believers to live in ways that honor Christ.
- Ministry to persons acknowledges the complexity of humans as physical, social, psychological, and spiritual beings. The ultimate goal of Christian counseling is to help others move to personal wholeness, interpersonal competence, mental stability, and spiritual maturity.
What forms do I need to fill out?
The forms you complete will be dependent on the therapist you are scheduled to see. The forms are on our Client Forms page. For each counselor, you will need to sign their specific Disclosure Statement, sign the Notice of Privacy Practices, and fill out the Client Information Form. If the appointment is for someone under the age of 18, you will also need to complete the Minor Counseling Agreement (instead of Client Information Form.) If the appointment is for a couple, you will need to include a Couple’s Information Form along with the other forms.
What is “homework” in counseling?
Homework assignments are individually tailored according to our clients’ needs. These may include worksheets, reading assignments, behavioral exercises, communication exercises, journaling, artwork, etc.
How long does therapy take?
There are many variables that factor into the duration of treatment. Willingness and motivation on the part of the client helps. Some clients are able to accomplish their goals in 6 to 12 sessions. At times, a commitment beyond 12 sessions is needed to resolve deep-seated issues.
What makes Christian Counseling different?
Counseling ordinarily comes from a secular worldview. Because of this, clients oftentimes become disheartened because they feel that their spirituality is left out of the healing process. At Christian Counselors of Mooresville, we believe that our faith is instrumental in our daily lives and in our healing. Our counselors approach counseling from a biblical worldview, rather than a secular one.
What ages do you work with?
All of our counselors work with teens, adults and couples. Vincent Ketchie works with children, ages 13 and up, on a limited basis.
Does Christian Counselors of Mooresville prescribe medications?
No, our counselors do not prescribe medications. All of our therapists have Master’s degrees in counseling. Only a medical doctor, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner can prescribe medications.
Do you do DUI assessments?
Our counselors do not provide DUI assessments. Anyone needing a DUI assessment should check with Addiction Recovery Medical Services at 704-872-0234.
Do you do psychological evaluations for schools, courts, etc.?
No. Psychological evaluations are done by psychologists. We do not have a psychologist on staff.
What forms of payment do you take?
We accept cash, checks, debit cards, and Visa or MasterCard. Payment is taken upon receipt of services.
Do you file insurance?
Our office does not file insurance. However, clients of our LCMHCs may be provided with a coded invoice that may be submitted to their insurance for possible reimbursement. Although filing insurance may financially benefit you in the short-term, CCM recommends that you consider the Benefits of Not Filing Insurance.
How much do sessions cost?
Each 50 minute session cost $125.
The first couples session is a little less than 2 hours long and cost $295.00. For the first part of the session, each person fills out written assessments of their marriage or relationship. The latter part of the session is spent with the counselor. From the information of the 1st session, the counselor will write a marriage/couples report that will be presented at the 2nd session. The cost of the report is included in the $295.00. All other sessions are for 50 minutes and cost $125.00 per session.